Last night I got to meet one of my favorite contemporary printmakers, Daniel Danger, at the Sprinkler Factory, and ask him a few questions about his creative process, surrounded by vibrant walls adorned with *fifteen years* of his work as a full time artist! Growing up in a family of makers, Daniel never doubted his ability to make a living as an artist. He shared with me that he dove right in to full time artist right out of school; even though he wasn’t quite sure what the path looked like, he knew himself well enough to understand that full-time devotion to his craft was the path to success. He couldn’t NOT do it. Curious to learn more about his mindset, I asked him what sort of routines he had for himself. I was surprised and inspired to learn that pre-fatherhood, he didn’t instill any specific habits or routines with his work; his motivation and enthusiasm to create was enough of a driving force to lead him towards success. Now that he’s a father, he shared that he’s instilled habits and routines out of necessity- and he’s still a full time maker! Check out Daniel's work and order prints on his website.
“IF WE GO, WE GO TOGETHER.” 15 years of screenprints by Daniel Danger Sprinkler Factory, Worcester MA Opening Reception: Saturday November 2, 5-8 pm Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, 1-4 pm and visit the Sprinkler Factory here
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Joanna Elizabeth