This art from many moons ago feels like it was made for these collective times.
When we are right in the middle of the breakthrough it can be easy to freak out and forget how the messy discomfort is integral for anchoring in a new way of being. It is the very discomfort of emergence that empowers the butterfly with the strength for its wings to be able to soar off into expansive, nectarous new horizons. 🦋 🌸 Making art, dancing, breathing, and being in nature are some of my favorite ways to ground within the discomfort. What are yours?
While navigating the business aspects of sharing a creative practice that has served as an intimate anchor point for grounding what would have seemed at the beginning like an unfathomable amount of growth & transformation in the years ahead hasn’t been without it’s challenges, I'm proud that I've been able to stand my ground and remain committed to sharing authentically to the best of my abilities, while also holding the intentions lightly; doing my best to serve the moment, learning how to believe in myself, and allowing the work to flow through me like medicine all at once. Through thick and thin, this resilient little business has given so much back to me in the forms of adventure, empowerment, learning, fulfillment, joy, timelessness, and sooo many inspiring moments of heartfelt connection and synchronicity with amazing people all over the planet, and I am so grateful for all of it!
Like the impressionists, I would sit for hours and observe the colors- fleetingly shifting and dancing across the wheel day after day. It was as though the sun itself was providing the rhythm, the response of light reflected was the melody, and the weather was the channel through which light expressed its potential: some days it was clear, other days cloudy. Looking back, I can see how what came through in this painting was a transmission from my soul: it was showing me a snapshot of my inner landscape- shiny and beautiful, but in need of alignment and some serious TLC. In both process and form, the painting was asking for me to slow down and tend to the alignment of my inner being with the same sense of persistence, patience, and openness to learning that I was giving to the painting itself. Half a lifetime later, I feel like that I finally got the memo:
We don’t need to wait another half of a lifetime for the next big breakthrough, healing, or ah-ha moment. Our souls are constantly looking for ways to speak to us and guide us back into alignment with who we truly are. Slowing down to become present to the channel of intelligence that is flowing through all of life, and developing a habit of consistently tuning our antenna to listen and receive, is all that’s needed for the next great shift. The messages speak in as many languages as there are people on this planet. |
Joanna Elizabeth