July's full moon is known as the "Buck Moon." It's the time of year when the antlers of male deer (known as "Bucks" or "Stags" for the more seasoned males) reach their peak growth, which shed and regrow every year- each season growing back stronger and more impressive than the previous. The Stag card in the E M E R G E N C E Oracle invites us to consider this midway point through taking the time to still yourself, go within, and inventory the following: 1. What have you been building this year, internally and externally? 2. What do you desire to build or strengthen in the next six months, internally and externally? 3. Evaluating and grounding deeply into your values as you reflect on what it is you want to build, and getting clear on who you want to BE, AS you are building, (and what you'll need to give up, in the inner and outer, to align with this vision) can yield the most generative results for the Whole. Additionally, observing the expanded growth of Buck's antlers within their cyclical pattern of growth/death/rebirth invites us into reflecting on our own Soul integration and ascension of consciousness: -In what ways are you stronger or more resilient than you were at this time last year? Two years ago? Ten? 🦌 -What has been strengthening or maturing within you over the last six months- mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically? 🦌 -What have you been building/developing internally and externally, and what do you desire to build in the next 6 months? 🦌 -How has your "antennae" become more attuned over the last year, and what sorts of activities and environments help strengthen your inner knowing? 🦌
Joanna Elizabeth