After twelve incredibly expansive and illuminating weeks, abundant with lessons in every twist and turn, this channeled representation of one of the Hermetic dragons — the World Healer, the avatar of wisdom, has found its home with WorldChangers Media, an AMAZING organization committed to delivering "superior-quality transformational nonfiction by, and for, the next generation of thought leaders, conscious entrepreneurs, creatives, and industry disruptors."
In my rabbit hole of research for this phenomenal commission, I was particularly taken with a concept I came across of Dragon as being an even higher embodiment of the Phoenix, particularly the Rainbow Dragon. This was the frequency I chose to embody and connect with throughout the duration of the work, yet it was only when I surrendered the outdated narratives within my mental body that I could truly feel connected to this energy within the creative process. As such, this painting became an *incredibly* potent teacher for inspiring a deeper dive into embodiment practices. Through this discovery process, I came across many new teachers, including the work of Dr. Sue Morter, who I later learned my client actually supported in the evolution of her book that I’m reading now titled The Energy Codes (!!!)- and as I pursue studies with Dr. Sue in greater depth, I'm grateful to feel so reawakened in my yoga practice and teaching, as well as in my creativity! While I would probably really enjoy writing an entire BOOK on all of the layers of meaning woven into this piece, my wish at this point is for viewers to simply observe and note their own inner experience when connecting with the image. There is no right or wrong way to perceive- there is only your Presence, and my wish for people receiving this work is to simply see and feel and BE in Presence. Bryna Haynes, thank you SO much for this incredible opportunity to embody this inspiration; to be enlivened and transformed through this work. May its highest intentions contribute to the collective healing and inspiration of Humanity and of Gaia herself. 48"X60", Acrylic on Canvas, infused with ancient sacred oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Galbanum, Hyssop, and Cistus. Timelapse video of the painting creation available here. Prints available at
Joanna Elizabeth